Quick Database Diagrams has a new home

Today we moved our site from www.QuickDatabaseDiagrams.com to the snappier www.QuickDBD.com. Welcome to the new domain for Quick Database Diagrams!

We registered both domains when we started this project. It took a while to decide which one to use. While we liked the brevity of QuickDBD.com, QuickDatabaseDiagrams.com is more descriptive. Eventually we launched with the longer domain because we liked its self-descriptive clarity, and we also felt it would get a SEO lift from Google.

Since launch I have read various articles (such as this one) about the value of building a brand in Google’s eyes, rather than relying on generic or “exact match” domains. I now feel that generic exact match domains give little SEO benefit. I’d rather promote the QuickDBD brand because it is short, more attractive, and also more flexible. For example, we currently rank well for “Database Diagrams” but we could also promote QuickDBD as a “Quick Database Designer”.  By dropping the descriptive domain we’ll also be free to use other terms such as “data modelling tool”, as it has been called by some users.

That was great: I got to explain my thinking and do a little keyword stuffing!

Over the coming weeks we will redirect all diagrams from app.QuickDatabaseDiagrams.com to app.QuickDBD.com. If you have any issues drop me a mail at trevor@quickdbd.com.


Designing and creating a MySQL database online using QuickDBD